What if I want a simpler IDE for Julia?

I also transferred from Atom to VS code, because of some problems after updating Juno to new versions and some bugs Juno problem, update Juno fails. After using Juno for over two years, I transferred to VS code this year, and never face installation or updating problems during using VS code on Windows, linux and Mac.

I know many people do not like the product of Microsoft, which is a not open-source or non-profit organization. Just according to my own experience, VS code is more robust than Atom. For example, when I opened a CSV file (around 40Mb) on Mac, Atom crashed, but VS code can work smoothly.

In the early days, Juno is almost the only selection for the people who already used to the GUI such as PyCharm, Eclipse or VS Studio. Thanks for the authors of both Juno and VS code Julia extension, who provide different selections for people having different background on different platform.

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