Vscode + Julia :: Error while communicating with the LS. check

The shortcut of "shift + enter " doesn’t work in my vscode (1.94.2) with the julia extension (v1.124.2 ), an error prompts like this

Any idea on how to solve it?

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Is that on Windows? Perhaps you have some security software installed that block the communication?

Hi ,uf, the output from Vscode reads as
[ Info: Starting LS with Julia 1.11.1
ERROR: LoadError: RequestError: URL rejected: Malformed input to a URL function while requesting file://C:\Users\ToK NT\AppData\Local\Temp\jl_FAAE.tmp
[1] (::Downloads.var"#9#19"{IOStream, Base.DevNull, Nothing, Vector{Pair{String, String}}, Float64, Nothing, Bool, Nothing, Bool, Nothing, String, Bool, Bool})(easy::Downloads.Curl.Easy)
@ Downloads D:\Program Files\Julia\share\julia\stdlib\v1.11\Downloads\src\Downloads.jl:452
[2] with_handle(f::Downloads.var"#9#19"{IOStream, Base.DevNull, Nothing, Vector{Pair{String, String}}, Float64, Nothing, Bool, Nothing, Bool, Nothing, String, Bool, Bool}, handle::Downloads.Curl.Easy)
@ Downloads.Curl D:\Program Files\Julia\share\julia\stdlib\v1.11\Downloads\src\Curl\Curl.jl:105
[3] #8
@ D:\Program Files\Julia\share\julia\stdlib\v1.11\Downloads\src\Downloads.jl:363 [inlined]

Restricted by the limitation of total post words, only the first part of the error outputs are listed above.

I used to use the portable versions, both Julia and Vscode, very well, the problem starts from the upgrade to the latest version v.1.11.0

Any idea on my problem?

Perhaps stick to Julia 1.10 for a while? Julia 1.11 is not so very mature yet.

Julia Language Server client: couldn't create connection to server. · Issue #3769 · julia-vscode/julia-vscode · GitHub.
I hope that the “space symbol” relevant issue can be resolved in the next official version!