Error while communicating with the LS

While using VSCode in Win10, pressing SHIFT+ENTER or CTRL+ENTER produces a pop-up error message:

However, the error doesn’t show up when pressing ALT+ENTER.

Couldn’t find Output > Julia Language Server to troubleshoot.
There is Output > Julia, but it doesn’t show any error.
Any tips please? Thanks in advance.

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I’m having the same problem. :sob:

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I finally ran the command “juliaup add release” in my terminal and this problem was solved for me.


Thank you so much, it solved the problem.

No idea if important, but I have also defined it as the default version in juliaup, even if release and the previous default versions, seem to be the same:

 Default  Channel  Version                   Update
          1.10     1.10.4+0.x64.w64.mingw32
       *  release  1.10.4+0.x64.w64.mingw32

That should not be necessary, it should be enough that the release channel is installed.

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seems I am having a similar error. I cannot use “execute code in repl” anymore. When I am running “Julia: restart language server” I get an error but I can use execute code in repl again. However everytime I use it I get the following error "Error while communicating with the LS. Check Output > Julia Language Server for additional information. There is no output in Julia Language Server…

Any idea what to do?


We show a (short) notice at startup if we can’t start the LS, maybe it auto-disappeared again. How is Julia installed on your system? Is the extension configured to use a custom path or something?

Hi @davidanthoff ,
thanks for your help.
I do not see a message at startup that the LS was not started. Moreover, variables are shown in the debug workspace section of the julia pane if a directly type them in the REPL. (So I assume there is some kind of functionality). This is the output of the Julia Language Server:
[ Info: Starting LS with Julia 1.10.4 Activating project at `c:\Users\xxx\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-1.105.2\scripts\environments\languageserver\v1.10` [ Info: Starting the Julia Language Server [ Info: Symbol server store is at 'c:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\globalStorage\julialang.language-julia\symbolstorev5'. [ Info: Starting LS at 1723484017 [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: All cache files downloaded (took 5.3s). [ Info: Package Plots (91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80) is cached. [ Info: Symbol server indexing took 29.6801845 seconds. [ Info: Loading Plots from cache... [ Info: Done loading Plots from cache... (took 39.0s) [ Info: Loading Downloads from cache... [ Info: Done loading Downloads from cache... (took 24.0s) [ Info: Loading LibCURL from cache... ...

I am using Juliaup with only adding release channel and setting it as default. I did not specify any executable path (it is empty) in vscode or any custom location in juliaup…

What is strange that when I am using restart language server all the commands I tried to execute are performed in a row, but the errors mentioned earlier persist). (Seems like sth is blocking the asynchronous command pipeline)


Hi again,
it seems I found the issue. I added the .Julia folder to the workspace in vscode. This seemed to have caused all the errors maybe because of circular references (folders and files appearing twice in the workspace???). I do not know if this is a bug or just stupid behaviour on my side. Anyway, just wanted to let you know.

It probably just made everything very slow…

Yep, that’s how I figured it out. I accidentally kept VSCode runnning for half a day and then it worked again :slight_smile:.
However, there is no obvious way for me to tell if the vscode extension is doing sth in the background from the outputs. Maybe this could be a future improvement somehow. (I mean, one could check the windows task manager to see if julia is still running with lots of cpu and memory)

note: Even if everything looks fine, you still apparently need to run it.
Even running juliaup update release did not fix it, but immediately VScode worked fine after running juliaup add release.

May I ask in which terminal you executed “juliaup add release”?

Terminal (version 2.12), the default terminal for Macos, is used.

Any idea if this works on windows?

I am on Windows and the problem has been fixed.

this command gives me error. did I do it at wrong place?
julia> julia add release
ERROR: ParseError:

Error @ REPL[20]:1:6

julia add release

└──────────┘ ── extra tokens after end of expression

[1] top-level scope
@ none:1

The command is

juliaup add release

And must be run from the shell (with juliaup installed and on the PATH). Not from within the julia REPL. :slight_smile: