Error while communicating with the LS

While using VSCode in Win10, pressing SHIFT+ENTER or CTRL+ENTER produces a pop-up error message:

However, the error doesn’t show up when pressing ALT+ENTER.

Couldn’t find Output > Julia Language Server to troubleshoot.
There is Output > Julia, but it doesn’t show any error.
Any tips please? Thanks in advance.

I’m having the same problem. :sob:

I finally ran the command “juliaup add release” in my terminal and this problem was solved for me.

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Thank you so much, it solved the problem.

No idea if important, but I have also defined it as the default version in juliaup, even if release and the previous default versions, seem to be the same:

 Default  Channel  Version                   Update
          1.10     1.10.4+0.x64.w64.mingw32
       *  release  1.10.4+0.x64.w64.mingw32

That should not be necessary, it should be enough that the release channel is installed.

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seems I am having a similar error. I cannot use “execute code in repl” anymore. When I am running “Julia: restart language server” I get an error but I can use execute code in repl again. However everytime I use it I get the following error "Error while communicating with the LS. Check Output > Julia Language Server for additional information. There is no output in Julia Language Server…

Any idea what to do?


We show a (short) notice at startup if we can’t start the LS, maybe it auto-disappeared again. How is Julia installed on your system? Is the extension configured to use a custom path or something?

Hi @davidanthoff ,
thanks for your help.
I do not see a message at startup that the LS was not started. Moreover, variables are shown in the debug workspace section of the julia pane if a directly type them in the REPL. (So I assume there is some kind of functionality). This is the output of the Julia Language Server:
[ Info: Starting LS with Julia 1.10.4 Activating project at `c:\Users\xxx\.vscode\extensions\julialang.language-julia-1.105.2\scripts\environments\languageserver\v1.10` [ Info: Starting the Julia Language Server [ Info: Symbol server store is at 'c:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\globalStorage\julialang.language-julia\symbolstorev5'. [ Info: Starting LS at 1723484017 [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: Downloading cache files... [ Info: All cache files downloaded (took 5.3s). [ Info: Package Plots (91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80) is cached. [ Info: Symbol server indexing took 29.6801845 seconds. [ Info: Loading Plots from cache... [ Info: Done loading Plots from cache... (took 39.0s) [ Info: Loading Downloads from cache... [ Info: Done loading Downloads from cache... (took 24.0s) [ Info: Loading LibCURL from cache... ...

I am using Juliaup with only adding release channel and setting it as default. I did not specify any executable path (it is empty) in vscode or any custom location in juliaup…

What is strange that when I am using restart language server all the commands I tried to execute are performed in a row, but the errors mentioned earlier persist). (Seems like sth is blocking the asynchronous command pipeline)


Hi again,
it seems I found the issue. I added the .Julia folder to the workspace in vscode. This seemed to have caused all the errors maybe because of circular references (folders and files appearing twice in the workspace???). I do not know if this is a bug or just stupid behaviour on my side. Anyway, just wanted to let you know.

It probably just made everything very slow…

Yep, that’s how I figured it out. I accidentally kept VSCode runnning for half a day and then it worked again :slight_smile:.
However, there is no obvious way for me to tell if the vscode extension is doing sth in the background from the outputs. Maybe this could be a future improvement somehow. (I mean, one could check the windows task manager to see if julia is still running with lots of cpu and memory)