VS Code extension v0.14.0 beta

I think that probably can’t work with the way we do the plotting right now… Could you open an issue?

Sure, thanks.

Ok, we already have RC4: Release v0.14.0-rc.4 · julia-vscode/julia-vscode · GitHub.

Please test that one, it fixes a bug in one of those functions we changed.

Am I allowed to start playing with v0.15.0-alpha.8? I installed it and found visual debugging… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sure :slight_smile: v0.15.0-alpha.9 is pretty much v0.14.0.-rc.4 plus the debugger :slight_smile:

BUT, we do need to get 0.14.0 out before we can ever ship a version with a debugger, so installing the release candidate of 0.14 is the most helpful with respect to that goal right now.

Having said that, 0.15 will be awesome: debugger, a workspace variable viewer, a new plot gallery… We have a LOT of PRs that are ready to be merged into master as soon as we get 0.14.0 and potentially a 0.14.1 out the door.


Trying v0.15.0-alpha.9 now… Thanks! :slight_smile:

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We have a new way of distributing release candidates, please see here for the details!