Our SoCal Julia group is dominated by physicists . It might be nice to do some “application-based videos” which show how to tie together various libraries to do the things in a specific discipline.
For plotting tutorials: the GR backend to Plots is almost at the point where it fulfills every basic criteria for new users. Speed is slow due to the Plots backend, but there are no installation/interoperability issues across platforms and UIs (e.g. Jupyter notebook, Jupyter lab, REPL, and Atom)… you can’t make that claim about any other plotting setup at this point (though plotly backend and the PlotlyJS are close). Setup issues trump speed for new users, which is hard to appreciate for experienced Julia users who already know the installation patterns to get their favorite plotting solution up and running.
I think, some new users will be interested in a single step-by-step example of julia code style for building and debugging complex systems with many packages and maybe some interactive GUIs - from beginning to the end.