Volunteers for online tutorial series -- share what you know with the rest of us!

Hey everyone!

I’m looking for community members to contribute to our online introductory tutorial series. The goal of this series is to make Julia and its ecosystem accessible to new users.

If you’re the developer or experienced user of a Julia package and you are willing to make teaching materials to introduce new Julia users to that package, please reach out to me here or at jane at juliacomputing dot com.

I’ll help review materials before you stream your tutorial and get you set up with streaming (show you how to use an encoder to stream to youtube, for example, if you’re not familiar).

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions about this, even if you’re not sure if you’re able to contribute!



If this is hot potato, I’ll pass it on over to @pkofod for a tour through Optim and NLsolve.

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I love hot potato :slight_smile:

Is there a common way (or a few ways) that you would like them?

Can we try to standardize these on a single, reproducible plotting library that “just works” for the new users?

So far both @xorJane and I used Plots.jl

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That is a great start to consistency. Plots.jl with GR? I know it shouldn’t matter, but it does for people who copy/paste code.

Plots.jl + GR yes, but any of the code would also work if you copy/pasted and used Plots.jl + plotly, with of course the only difference that the display would look a little different.

That does look like a good hot potato. Is this the potato you’re offering @ChrisRackauckas ?

Yes. With bacon.

In theory, yes. Luckily since GR is solid almost everywhere, if students copy the code it would work (they may not remember to swap out backends).

The other problem are latex labels/etc. in plots. For now, I think it is best to completely avoid them since Plots.jl backends are inconsistent in their support.

I signed up just to make this comment.

I’m just a lurker on this discourse trying to decide if i want to pick julia up as my first programming language. I only intend to do “general programming” as a hobby.

What i wish to see, is a simple tutorial on how to do basic programming with julia. What i saw in the last tutorial was way over my head :slightly_smiling_face:

Please do let me know if julia is not as well suited, as other languages, for general programming.

I have students right now in my classes using Julia as a first programming language. If you stick with the juliabox environment (and people writing tutorials stick with the simplest plotting library), I think it is doable. But most of these students are learning julia to do numerical computing rather than general purpose computing


What would be the specifics of your ideal first look at a tutorial about how to do “basic, general programming”?

## Program welcome_user.jl
print("Please enter your name: ");
namestr = readline();
println(" \nWelcome, $namestr");
println("Press enter to continue");

const newline = “\n”
const newline_tab = “\n\t”

print(newline,“Just type your name and press enter: “)
your_name = readline()
message = string(“Hello “, your_name,”!”)

Just brain dumping:

Extracting data from a csv file.
Working with a database.
Solving a project euler problem step by step.

On a sidenote: I like reading through solutions to problems on reddit.com/r/dailyprogrammer. But I have yet to see a solution using julia, if memory serves me correct.

The next one will be on JuliaDB.

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Looking forward to it :slightly_smiling_face: