Hey, just a little bit of self promotion, I started a YouTube channel to teach Julia to beginner programmers. There’s six videos atm. I felt resources like this were scarce, and I remembered learning programming watching a ton of videos like this! So I’m trying to do the same now for others, and I’m learning a lot during the process too! Hope it helps !
There’s videos about how to install Julia + the VSCode extension, how to install and use Pluto, how to get help, the REPL basics, or why Julia is awesome!
Nice work! Just took a quick browse through the playlist and noticed #5 (getting help in Julia). Great to see someone take the time to clearly explain those things. Maybe worth linking to from the PSA: make it easier to help you post.
Hooo I read your post too quickly
Good thing that it’s in the description though. For the PSA, I think it is meant to be as short as possible, so not sure it is OK to link to a video.
I’d say just post it to that thread, even that would be helpful. Some people will just gravitate to a video and that would be a good one for them to watch.