"The connection to the terminal's pty host process is unresponsive, the terminals may stop working."

I’ve been using VSCode for a few months. Today I started receiving the following error:

The connection to the terminal's pty host process is unresponsive, the terminals may stop working.

At which point, the REPL becomes unresponsive to user input. It appears I can still run cells from the editor window.

This happens every few minutes, usually following anything that prints more than a few characters in the REPL. The success of VSCode in reestablishing connection with the terminal is not guaranteed, and VSCode starts churning away at my CPU until it does, or gives up. The problem persists across multiple attempts at shutting down VSCode and relaunching it.

This is making VS Code borderline unusable. Any clues how to investigate the cause?


Yeah, look here

I think they already pushed a fix to the insiders version of the plugin.

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