Talks vs posters

Hello all,

We’ve gotten some questions on what qualifies for a talk vs a poster after we encouraged package authors to submit a poster about their package. We hope the following points would help clarify on what qualifies as a poster vs a talk:

  1. We consider posters to be a suitable venue for in-person #pkg-announcements. Your poster could be as simple as your package README. A poster introduces the idea of a package in general.
  2. This could be in addition to submitting a talk about a particular package feature, or improvements to your package. In other words, you’re welcome to submit a talk about improvements made to your package and and separately also submit a poster about package XYZ in general. For example, a talk could be titled “What’s new with XYZ.jl?” and the poster could be titled “Meet XYZ.jl” for those who haven’t heard of your package.
  3. Finally, our advice is to err towards “just submitting”. We encourage you to submit your ideas!

The JuliaCon 2025 Organizing Comittee

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