Talks in the JuliaCon 2017 conference

Here’s a list of the JuliaCon 2017 videos currently available (from where I sit, at least):

Circuitscape: A Tool to Measure Landscape Connectivity | Ranjan Anantharaman
Query.jl: Query Almost Anything in Julia | David Anthoff
Solving Large Scale PDE … Problems in the jInv Framework | Patrick Belliveau
TaylorIntegration.jl | Jorge Perez, Luis Benet
Programming NVIDIA GPUs in Julia with CUDAnative.jl | Tim Besard
Interfacing with LLVM Using LLVM.jl | Tim Besard
JuliaDB | Jeff Bezanson
Type System | Jeff Bezanson
A few points on processes | Gergo Bohner
Miletus: A Financial Modelling Suite in Julia | Ranjan Anantharaman and Simon Byrne
OhMyREPL.jl: This is my REPL … Kristoffer Carlsson
Improving Biological Network Inference with Julia | Thalia Chan
Taking Vector Transposes Seriously | Jiahao Chen
Julia: A Major Scripting Language in Economic Research? | Anna Ciesielski
GPU Programming with Julia | Tim Besard, Valentin Churavy, and Simon Danisch
GLVisualize 1.0 | Simon Danish
Using Return Type Annotations Effectively | Eric Davies
SparseRegression.jl: Statistical Learning | Josh Day
Cows, Lakes, and a JuMP extension … | Oscar Dowson
Modia - A Domain Specific Extension of Julia … | Hilding Elmqvist

Event-Based Simulation of Spiking Neural Networks | Rainer Engelken
LightGraphs: Our Network, Our Story | Seth Bromberger & James Fairbanks
NLOptControl.jl: A Tool for … Optimal Control Problems | Huckleberry Febbo
Tabulars.jl: Metaprogramming for Accessing Many Types of Data | Andy Ferris
Cataloging the … Universe … at Petascale in Julia | Prabhat, Regier & Fischer
Stochastic Optimization Models on Power Systems | Camila Metello and Joaquim Garcia
WebIO.jl: a Thin Abstraction Layer for Web Based Widgets | Shashi Gowda
GR Framework: Present and Future | Josef Heinen
COBRA.jl: Accelerating Systems Biology | Laurent Heirendt
Using Julia to Inform Qb@ll Development | Jane Herriman
Image Quilting | Julio Hoffman
From One to Many: Writing Julia code to simulate big quantum systems | Katharine Hyatt
MultipleTesting.jl: Simultaneous … in Julia | Nikolaos Ignatiadis
Flux: Machine Learning with Julia | Mike Innes
QML.jl: Cross-platform GUIs for Julia | Bart Janssens
Julia Roadmap | Stefan Karpinski
Pkg3: Julia’s New Package Manager | Stefan Karpinski
Decision Making under Uncertainty | Mykel Kochenderfer
JLD2: High-Performance Serialization | Simon Kornblith
JuliaBox on Various Cloud Platforms and Current Development Goals | Nishanth Kottary
JuliaBox | Nishanth Kottary duplicate
Intel Labs | Lindsey Kuper
BioSimulator.jl: Stochastic Simulation in Julia | Alfonso Landeros
Teaching Through Code | Christina Lee
Parallel Computing for Macroeconomic Forecasting … | Pearl Li
L1-Penalized Matrix Linear Models for High Throughput Data | Jane Liang
Fast Multidimentional Signal Processing with Shearlab.jl | Hector Andrade Loarca
The Dolo Modeling Framework | Spencer Lyon
Modern Machine Learning in Julia with TensorFlow.jl | Jonathan Malmaud
Julia for Fully Homomorphic Encryption | Jose Calderon, Alex Malozemoff
Julia for Infrastructure | Ajay Mendez
Optimization and Solving Systems of Equations | Patrick Kofod Mogensen
JuliaRun: A Simple & Scalable Julia Deployment Platform | Tanmay Mohapatra
Diversity and Inclusion at JuliaCon and in the Scientific … | Erica Moszkowski
AoT or JIT: How Does Julia Work? | Jameson Nash
Heavy-duty Pricing of Fixed Income Financial Contracts with Julia | Felipe Noronha
The Julia VS Code Extension | David Anthoff & Zac Nugent
Applications of Convex.jl | Ayush Pandey
GraphGLRM: Making Sense of Big Messy Data | Mihir Paradkar
Automatically Deriving Test Data for Julia Functions | Simon Poulding
Computation and Data in a Polyglot World | Fernando Pérez
Nulls.jl Missingness for Data in Julia | Jacob Quinn
DataStreams: Roadmap for Data I/O in Julia | Jacob Quinn
The Unique Features and Performance of DifferentialEquations.jl | Chris Rackauckas
Mixed-Mode Automatic Differentiation in Julia | Jarrett Revels
Full Stack Web Development with Genie.jl | Adrian Salceanu
Equations, inequalities and global optimisation | David P. Sanders
An Invitation to Julia: Toward Version 1.0 | David Sanders
Jeffrey Sarnoff
Julia on the Raspberry Pi | Avik Sengupta
Julia Computing | Viral Shah
End to End Data Solutions in the Azure Cloud | Udayan Kumar, Paul Shealy
NumFocus | Leah Silen
TheoSea: Marching Theory to Light | Mark Stalzer
Deep Learning with Julia | Mike Innes, Jon Malmaud, and Pontus Stenetorp
Moore Foundation | Carly Strasser
HiFrames: High Performance Distributed Data Frames in Julia | Ehsan Totoni
Julia: The Type of Language for Mathematical Programming | Madeleine Udell
Sponsor talk - Invenia | Curtis Vogt
Exploring Evolutionary Dynamics of Communications | Yifei Wang
Conning | David A. Weiss
Integrating Julia in Real-World, Distributed Pipelines | Daniel Whitenack
Sustainable Machine Learning Workflows … with Julia | Daniel Whitenack
Turing: a Fresh Approach to Probabilistic Programming | Kai Xu
A Superfacility Model for Data-Intensive Science | Kathy Yelick
Knet.jl: Beginning Deep Learning with 100 line of Julia | Deniz Yuret
Junet: Towards Better Network Analysis in Julia | Igorn Zakhlebin
JSeqArray: Data Manipulation … in Julia | Xiuwen Zheng