The JuliaCon 2025 Minisymposium CfP closes in less than 36 hours!
We are looking for as many ideas and proposals for Minisymposia as possible, we really want to be a conference of minisymposia from every field that uses Julia this year. If you work on Graphs using Julia, on Pure Mathematics in Julia, on Teaching in Julia, if you develop core Julia Tooling, or you run your Pharmaceutical Simulations in Julia please submit a minisymposium for your field!
If you think you will need help actually running the program, then we can provide you with help after the initial Minisymposium CfP process is complete. So don’t worry if you don’t have everything fleshed out so long as you are motivated, have a good target community, and as a bonus can think of a few others to help with reviews and publicizing!