Hi everybody, i just installed julia and i am still dealing with various settings,packages and errors.
i have recently learned about julia shell mode and I was trying some standard commands with cygwin and cmd. everything works up to the point where i want to quit the shell mode. The backspace shortcut doesn’t work and the only command that i can use to quit is exit which brings me to a corrupted julia terminal
I can only speculate: Julia is spawning commands directly using exec(), without any underlying terminal, not like e.g. running a remote command using ssh on linux/unix where the command is run with a shell (/bin/sh) as the execution part. This difference (missing terminal) is perhaps the cause for this weird behaviour above.
The workaround uses windows cmd to run the cygwin bash. Options -i -l are there to have have bash as a interactive login shell (e.g. to have typical commands like ls in your path).
Hi,i have been using this trick for a while and it actually works well, but i was wondering if there is a way to implement a shortcut instead of writing the whole command. Can i set an alias in julia shell mode?
A file, e.g. cygwinbash.bat, somewhere in a folder which is in the PATH with
c:\\cygwin64\\bin\\bash -i -l
works well, except that the Julia window title is changed permanently to the bash prompt, which is in my case a ~.
Explicitly using cmd isn’t necessary here, because a .bat file is running in a cmd shell.
The change of the window title can be avoided by setting environment variable PS1 (and/or PS2,… not tested) to something without the escape sequences
For my cygwin PS1 is set in
and editing it there (removing above esc sequenced from the beginning of the PS1 string) solved this (minor) issue, too. Doing this, will prevent change of window title for all (interactive) cygwin bash windows. There are options to use a specific resource file or none at startup, but I stopped investigating further. These details are easily found in the man page of bash or on the web.
This workaround uses ReplMaker.jl to register a powershell> mode in the REPL activated with }. It handles the cd command separately as in the proposed fix. It could be usefull until the proper fix lands.
using ReplMaker
function _pass_to_powershell(s)
# adapted from https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/31490
args = String.(split(s))
if args[1] == "cd"
new_oldpwd = pwd()
if length(args) > 2
throw(ArgumentError("cd method only takes one argument"))
elseif length(args) == 2
dir = args[2]
if dir == "-"
if !haskey(ENV, "OLDPWD")
error("cd: OLDPWD not set")
ENV["OLDPWD"] = new_oldpwd
# command = Cmd(["powershell", s...]) # version 5
command = Cmd(["pwsh", "-Command", args...]) # version 7
command |> ignorestatus |> run
prompt_text = "powershell> ",
prompt_color = :cyan,
start_key = '}',
mode_name = "powershell_mode"
PowerShell comes with many aliases similar to bash, so the basic stuff works as expected.
julia> # type } to activate
powershell> Get-Alias
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Alias ? -> Where-Object
Alias % -> ForEach-Object
Alias ac -> Add-Content
Alias cat -> Get-Content
Alias cd -> Set-Location <--- this one is handled separately
Alias chdir -> Set-Location
Alias clc -> Clear-Content
Alias clear -> Clear-Host
Alias clhy -> Clear-History
Alias cli -> Clear-Item
Alias clp -> Clear-ItemProperty
Alias cls -> Clear-Host
Alias clv -> Clear-Variable
Alias cnsn -> Connect-PSSession
Alias compare -> Compare-Object
Alias conda -> Invoke-Conda 0.0 Conda
Alias copy -> Copy-Item
Alias cp -> Copy-Item