Setting 'Package Server' for JuliaHub (WSL)

Because I’m a fool for platform independence I just tried the JuliaHub extension for vscode in WSL. I’m very much looking forward to using it.

The documentation says:

Also make sure that you’re connected to the right package server, with one of the following options:

  1. Where do I set this? I think I eventually found THREE possible locations, none of which offered up any no-error response from the plugin. This is my favorite:

  2. How does authentication get initiated?

Somewhere in the torrent of search results I saw that authentication happens once the Package Server is set. Google search has very bad signal-to-noise sometimes.

P.S. I did try the environment variable JULIA_PKG_SERVER within WSL to no effect. Starting vs-code from the command-line as code .

I also tried starting Visual Studio Code from windows. . Both ways connected to WSL, found Julia, and allowed remote install of the JuliaHub extension.

It seems that WSL adds extra tabs for configuration, which cover JULIA_PKG_SERVER They don’t seem to work for me…

I use vs-code remotely quite a lot and have generally found it to be very solid.

I’ll go and try it on Ubuntu 20.04 to see if its easier outside of WSL/remote

I just tried on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, with the environment variable. It just worked. I think the vscode settings approach might need more testing to document or improve the implementation on WSL.

Ooh - this is fun!