I keep getting the following error:
Warning: could not download https://juliahub.com/registries
│ exception = HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized while requesting https://juliahub.com/registries
└ @ Pkg.Registry /Users/julia/.julia/scratchspaces/a66863c6-20e8-4ff4-8a62-49f30b1f605e/agent-cache/default-macmini-x64-6.0/build/default-macmini-x64-6-0/julialang/julia-release-1-dot-8/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.8/Pkg/src/Registry/Registry.jl:68
I have tried the solutions presented in this thread but to no avail. Trying to authenticate here doesn’t work either. The page doesn’t even show all the authentication options. It looks as if there is a view on the content of the page which is too small for all the content to show.
I’m using the latest version of VS code (1.70.2) on Mac OS (12.5.1) and Julia extension v1.7.6.
Hope someone can help me solve this issue.
Kind regards,