SatelliteToolbox.jl can now read lots of gravity models! And everything is validated :)

Good argument, a package for each model would have advantages, I think. With the Queryverse as the role model, metapackages like Geophysics.jl would just pull all tools together, that a user wanting to do something in this field might need.

Important is perhaps that there is a good interface to Julia specific features. E.g. how can we iterate over the data that we use? I learned from this nice tutorial that all iterable named tuples can be fed into that system.

So if the SateliiteToolbox, GeopotentialModels … packages allow to convert data and models input/output into such data structrure, it would be great. Perhaps some standardization of names is important? For example, instead of latitude use

  • geocentric_latitude as used in the gravity and magnetic field models;
  • geodetic_latitude as used in mapping tools;
  • qdip_latitude and aacgm_latitude for magnetic latitudes (indirect output of magnetic field models);

when creating named data structures (like named tuples) that go in and out of the packages. This is only an example. Not sure what really needs coordination, how and who.

I think that trying to get these things consistent and working seamlessly can deliver one of the main benefits that integrating all this in principle already existing software into a language like Julia has.

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