Hi guys!
Today, I finally made public the SatelliteToolbox.jl. This is a toolbox constructed at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) that contains a lot of useful algorithms for satellite simulations. Everything is very easy to use and this is the engine behind our Mission Concept Satellite Simulator. This is an on going work of almost 5 years (since the days of Julia 0.2).
I will submit to METADATA as soon as the new version of ReferenceFrameRotations is accepted (https://github.com/JuliaLang/METADATA.jl/pull/14632), because, otherwise, the tests will fail.
Unfortunately, a full documentation of the package is not available yet, but the source code is extensively documented using the Julia doc system. If you want to install and test right now, you can clone my repository and use the master
version of ReferenceFrameRotations.
There are some interesting stuff in this package, such as:
Coordinate transformations
All the IAU-76/FK5 theory is implemented and you can compute the DCM or Quaternion that describes the rotations between ECEF and ECI. The supported coordinate frames are:
- ITRF: International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF).
- PEF: Pseudo-Earth Fixed (PEF) reference frame.
- MOD: Mean of Date (MOD) reference frame.
- TOD: True of Date (TOD) reference frame.
- J2000: J2000 reference frame.
- GCRF: Geocentric Celestial Reference Frame (GCRF).
julia> eop_IAU1980 = get_iers_eop(:IAU1980)
julia> rECEFtoECI(DCM, ITRF(), GCRF(), DatetoJD(1986, 06, 19, 21, 35, 0), eop_IAU1980)
3×3 StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3,3},Float64,2,9}:
-0.619267 0.78518 -0.00132979
-0.78518 -0.619267 3.33483e-5
-0.000797314 0.00106478 0.999999
There is a native Julia implementation of the IGRF v12.
julia> igrf12syn(0, 2017.12313, 1, 0.640, 40, 25)
(19685.59353648455, 2164.874709891016, 45708.25456382237, 49814.19286372505)
julia> igrf12(2017.12313, 640, 50*pi/180, 25*pi/180, Val{:geodetic})
3-element StaticArrays.SArray{Tuple{3},Float64,1,3}:
Orbit Propagators
There is a native Julia implementation of the SGP4 orbit propagator (without SDP4 bits for now). You can also find the Two Body and J2 orbit propagators.
julia> orbp = init_orbit_propagator(Val{:sgp4}, Orbit(0.0,7130982.0,0.001111,98.405*pi/180,pi/2,0.0,0.0))
julia> (o,r,v) = propagate!(orbp, collect(0:3:24)*60*60)
julia> r
9-element Array{Array{T,1} where T,1}:
[-2159.7, 7.13166e6, -14607.2]
[-1.00096e6, 2.1411e6, -6.73899e6]
[-5.78906e5, -5.83897e6, -4.08451e6]
[6.64614e5, -5.70129e6, 4.24735e6]
[9.6287e5, 2.37768e6, 6.64987e6]
[-1.12629e5, 7.12679e6, -2.45705e5]
[-1.03066e6, 1.90639e6, -6.80469e6]
[-4.86132e5, -5.97626e6, -3.89338e6]
[7.5014e5, -5.54932e6, 4.42998e6]
EGM96 and 2008
There is a native Julia implementation of EGM96 and 2008.
julia> egm96 = read_egm_coefs(:EGM96)
julia> compute_g(egm96, GeodetictoECEF(-45*pi/180, -22*pi/180, 0), 360)
3-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> egm2008 = read_egm_coefs(:EGM2008)
julia> compute_g(egm2008, GeodetictoECEF(-45*pi/180, -22*pi/180, 0), 360)
3-element Array{Float64,1}:
Much more
There is many other things such as beta angle computation, Sun synchronous orbit design, etc., that you can see in the package.
I can use some help if anyone have a little spare time There are a lot of to do in this package. Some functions have been extensively tested, but others needs more work (as you can see in
). In the short time, I am expecting to do the following:
Add support for TEME (True Equator Mean Equinox) reference frame. - Add IAU-2000A model for coordinate transformations.
- Add SDP4 bits to the orbit propagator.
- Add a numerical propagator using EGM.