Revise error stack trace

My error stack traces are impossible to read. It’s a major pain point and a huge waste of time. Besides the fact that everything is dumped on screen, the line throwing the error is actually lost so I have to blindly debug line by line, restarting the REPL each time.

Is this a local issue with my setup? Anyway I can alleviate this? Julia 1.4 latest on Windows 10.

This will be of only minimal help to you… but it is likely not an issue with your local setup. I do get crazy stacktraces like that sometimes where it basically prints an entire array.

I think I’ve seen stuff like that mostly when I have Revise acting on files with data, and then changing something causes it to rerun calculations / reparse data / etc. If that’s the case, I’d recommend the pattern discussed in a recent thread (Revise cannot transform my dataset - #23 by tim.holy) of separating “scripts” from package code, where the package code just has modules and functions but no data, and the scripts use the package code + data to do things. Then Revise just acts on the package code and updates functions as you want without issues from data and global state.

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Thanks, I’ll give it a try. In this case yes, a lot of data is dumped because my types were incompatible (I said Int but I was passing a Vector{Int}) so it resulted in conversion error, dumping the two arguments. But it happens all the time, regardless of the type of error or the volume of data involved.

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