In addition to migrating your repos to, please remember to also update the Travis status badges in your files, i.e. the badges that look like this:
You’ll want to make sure that all of your files are using the badges.
I feel I’ve taken a wrong turn somehow. I originally thought I just had to update the files in the packages, but this seems quite a lot more complicated to me. And I don’t want to migrate the whole JuliaGraphics organization, since I don’t speak for the whole organization, I just had three packages there.
And why it is a Beta - sounds like a bad idea to migrate working code to a beta?
That will sign up JuliaGraphics (and your personal account) for the beta. In the next step you can choose which repos to migrate so you don’t have to do it with all of them. What’s in beta is the transferring functionality and not the .com service. The .com service has been online for years. FWIW I transferred all of JuliaLang’s repos and it worked without complications.
Thanks. I don’t want to sign up other packages in JuliaGraphics, just mine. Not sure whether that’s possible. (I’m not as much of a core committer as you…)
Simple question: if we are using Julia’s infrastructure in our .travis.yml, do we still need to migrate anything explicitly other than the links to the badges in the files?
language: julia
- linux
- osx
- 1.4
- 1.5
- nightly
- julia: nightly
fast_finish: true
email: false
- julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Coverage")'
- julia -e 'using Coverage; Codecov.submit(process_folder())'