I’m trying out a simple optimization script on Pluto. @animate should make run Ipop.optimizer for each frame, and save them to gif. I don’t undestand the error message. I used Jump, Ipopt, and plots. The following codes were separated in two blocks. Is the syntax correct?
function run_mpc(initial_position, initial_velocity)
model = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
Δt = 0.1
num_time_steps = 10
max_acceleration = 0.5
@variables model begin
position[1:2, 1:num_time_steps]
velocity[1:2, 1:num_time_steps]
-max_acceleration <= acceleration[1:2, 1:num_time_steps] <= max_acceleration
# Dynamics constraints
@constraint(model, [i=2:num_time_steps, j=1:2],
velocity[j, i] == velocity[j, i - 1] + acceleration[j, i - 1] * Δt)
@constraint(model, [i=2:num_time_steps, j=1:2],
position[j, i] == position[j, i - 1] + velocity[j, i - 1] * Δt)
# Cost function: minimize final position and final velocity
@objective(model, Min,
100 * sum(position[:, end].^2) + sum(velocity[:, end].^2))
# Initial conditions:
@constraint(model, position[:, 1] .== initial_position)
@constraint(model, velocity[:, 1] .== initial_velocity)
return value.(position), value.(velocity), value.(acceleration)
# The robot's starting position and velocity
q = [1.0, 0.0]
v = [0.0, -1.0]
anim = @animate for i in 1:80
# Plot the current position
plot([q[1]], [q[2]], marker=(:hex, 10), xlim=(-1.1, 1.1), ylim=(-1.1, 1.1))
# Run the MPC control optimization
q_plan, v_plan, u_plan = run_mpc(q, v)
# Draw the planned future states from the MPC optimization
plot!(q_plan[1, :], q_plan[2, :], linewidth=5)
# Apply the planned acceleration and simulate one step in time
u = u_plan[:, 1]
v += u * Δt
q += v * Δt
gif(anim, "/var/folders/wx/frhmhdss0sz_hpmj50jfsdfm0000gn/T/jl_ILRYVL/mpc2.gif")