Animation stopped working

Hello, I wrote a code that worked yesterday, but today the animation part did not work any longer:

using Timers
using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, Parameters

using Plots

# 🔹 Define struct for simulation settings
@with_kw mutable struct SimulationSettings @deftype Float64
    g_earth::Float64 = 0  # Gravity [m/s²]
    k::Float64 = 1.0  # Spring constant [N/m]
    m::Float64 = 1.0  # Mass of P2 and P3 [kg]
    F2::Float64 = 1  # External force on P2 [N]
    F3::Float64 = 1  # External force on P3 [N]
    l1::Float64 = sqrt(5)  # Rest length of spring P1-P2 [m]
    l2::Float64 = 2.0  # Rest length of spring P2-P3 [m]
    l3::Float64 = sqrt(5)  # Rest length of spring P3-P1 [m]
    duration::Float64 = 10.0  # Simulation time [s]
    save::Bool = false  # Whether to save animation frames

# Now, update the instance name:
se = SimulationSettings()

# 🔹 Define symbolic parameters (Using values from `Settings3`)
@parameters t k m g F2 F3 l1 l2 l3

# 🔹 Define symbolic state variables (positions & velocities)
@variables x2(t) y2(t) x3(t) y3(t) vx2(t) vy2(t) vx3(t) vy3(t)

# 🔹 Define differential operator
D = Differential(t)    

# 🔹 Define Hooke’s Law for spring force
function spring_force(xa, ya, xb, yb, l)
    dx = xb - xa
    dy = yb - ya
    length = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)  # Compute current length
    force_mag = k * (length - l)  # Hooke’s Law: F = -k (x - L0)
    fx = force_mag * dx / length
    fy = force_mag * dy / length
    return [fx, fy]

# 🔹 Define fixed anchor point P1 at (0,0)
x1, y1 = 0.0, 0.0

# 🔹 Compute forces symbolically
F_s1 = spring_force(x1, y1, x2, y2, l1)  # Force from P1 to P2
F_s2 = spring_force(x2, y2, x3, y3, l2)  # Force from P2 to P3
F_s3 = spring_force(x3, y3, x1, y1, l3)  # Force from P3 to P1

# 🔹 Net forces on P2
Fx2 = -F_s1[1] + F_s2[1]
Fy2 = -F_s1[2] + F_s2[2] + F2

# 🔹 Net forces on P3
Fx3 = -F_s2[1] + F_s3[1]
Fy3 = -F_s2[2] + F_s3[2] + F3

# 🔹 Equations of motion using Newton's second law: F = ma
eqs = [
    D(x2) ~ vx2,
    D(y2) ~ vy2,
    D(x3) ~ vx3,
    D(y3) ~ vy3,
    D(vx2) ~ Fx2 / m,
    D(vy2) ~ (Fy2 - m * g) / m,
    D(vx3) ~ Fx3 / m,
    D(vy3) ~ (Fy3 - m * g) / m

# 🔹 Create an ODE system
@named sys = ODESystem(eqs, t, [x2, y2, x3, y3, vx2, vy2, vx3, vy3], [m, k, g, F2, F3, l1, l2, l3])

# 🔹 Parameter values from `Settings3`
params = Dict(
    m => se.m,
    k => se.k,
    g => se.g_earth,
    F2 => se.F2,
    F3 => se.F3,
    l1 => se.l1,
    l2 => se.l2,
    l3 => se.l3

# 🔹 Initial conditions
u0 = Dict(
    x2 => -1.0, y2 => 2.0, x3 => 1.0, y3 => 2.0,
    vx2 => 0.0, vy2 => 0.0, vx3 => 0.0, vy3 => 0.0

# 🔹 Time span
tspan = (0.0, se.duration)

# 🔹 Convert symbolic system to an ODEProblem
prob = ODEProblem(complete(sys), u0, tspan, params)

# 🔹 Solve numerically
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), saveat=0.05)

# 🔹 Extract the solution
x2_sol = sol[x2, :]
y2_sol = sol[y2, :]
x3_sol = sol[x3, :]
y3_sol = sol[y3, :]
# # 🔹 Create animation
# anim = @animate for i in eachindex(x2_sol)
#     plot(xlim=(-1.5, 1.5), ylim=(-0.5, 6.0), legend=false, framestyle=:box, grid=false, size=(600, 600))

#     # Scatter plot for mass points
#     scatter!([0, x2_sol[i], x3_sol[i]], [0, y2_sol[i], y3_sol[i]], markersize=5, label="")

#     # Spring connections
#     plot!([0, x2_sol[i]], [0, y2_sol[i]], linewidth=2, color=:blue, label="")  # P1-P2
#     plot!([x2_sol[i], x3_sol[i]], [y2_sol[i], y3_sol[i]], linewidth=2, color=:red, label="")  # P2-P3
#     plot!([x3_sol[i], 0], [y3_sol[i], 0], linewidth=2, color=:green, label="")  # P3-P1
# end

How can this be resolved?
Kind regards Friso

Welcome Friso!

Can you post the output of:


and the output of:

using Pkg

And you wrote “it stopped working”. What happens when you run your code? Is there an error message?

I tested your code on Ubuntu 24.04 using Julia 1.10.8 and it works fine.
I had to add the line:

gif(anim, "video/symbolic_mass_spring_simulation.gif", fps=30)

to save the result.

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Welcome to discourse @Friso

Further to @ufechner7 requests for info; Have you updated anything between yesterday and today? If yes, what and from which to which version(s).
Given the code works for @ufechner7, it must be something in your environment.

See Please read: make it easier to help you .
Try whittling your code down to a Minimum Working Example that still shows the error, instead of just dumping your entire code. This will a. often help you find the error yourself or b. make it easier for us to focus on the error.

BTW: You can measure how long it takes for the packages to load by simply using @time maco instead of Timers tic-toc

@time using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, Parameters, Plots

I tested the script on Linux and on Windows.

Linux, AMD Ryzen 7850U

[ Info: Saved animation to /home/ufechner/repos/Tethers.jl/video/symbolic_mass_spring_simulation.gif
 17.842573 seconds (10.09 M allocations: 694.917 MiB, 2.44% gc time, 24.93% compilation time: 2% of which was recompilation)

Windows, i7-1265U

[ Info: Saved animation to C:\Users\ufechner\repos\Tethers.jl\video\symbolic_mass_spring_simulation.gif
538.429607 seconds (10.23 M allocations: 706.479 MiB, 0.10% gc time, 1.47% compilation time: 2% of which was recompilation)

So my Windows laptop is 30 times slower than Linux. OK, it is older and the CPU is slower, which might make it 2 times slower.

But is Windows 15 times slower than Linux?

This looks like a bug somewhere. Perhaps @Friso just did not wait long enough? Perhaps yesterday he used old package versions and they were 10 times faster?