Trying to liveview on Linux an animation I made with Javis, I keep getting this error, which I couldn’t find a solution or reference to anywhere, how can I solve it?
The mentioned line is just this:
Hey @radio
Javis developer here - could you do me a favor and answer the following:
What is your version of Julia?
What is your version of Javis?
What version of Linux are you using?
Could you please paste your code here as text?
Could you please share the full stack trace you are getting as text?
Thanks! Sorry you are running into issues with Javis. Hopefully we can get it all sorted out.
~ tcp
Hello :), I am using Julia 1.8.1, how can I know my version of Javis?
I’m on Artix Linux with runit.
The code I’m running is:
# Julia Packages
using Javis
using StatsBase
#__________________________________TODO: Turn this section into modules_______________________________________________#
# TODO: Implement svg visualization
# TODO: Implement game-engine visualization
# Gif Visualization
## Frames
global totalFrames = 1 #500 # Number of frames
global iterPerFrame = 250000 # Number of iterations per frame
## Size
global width = 400
global height = 200
global vid = Video(width, height)
## Background
function bg(args...)
Background(1:totalFrames, bg)
## Points
global pointSize = 1
global pointColor = "#111111"
#____________________________________TODO: Turn this section into modules too_________________________________________#
# Simulation
global n = 3 # Number of initial points
global θs = 2π*(0:n)/n # Angular arguments
global ρ = min(width, height)/2 # Modulus
global xs = ρ*cos.(θs) # First component
global ys = ρ*sin.(θs) # Second component
global Ps = Point.(xs,ys) # Point :)
global Ω = fill(1/n,n,n) # Transition Matrix
Ω[1,:] = [0.1,0.8,0.1]
Ω[2,:] = [1,0,0]
Ω[3,:] = [1/2,0,1/2]
#Ω[1,:] = [ 0 , 0 , 1/2, 1/2, 0 ]
#Ω[2,:] = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 1/2, 1/2]
#Ω[3,:] = [1/2, 0 , 0 , 0, 1/2]
#Ω[4,:] = [1/2, 1/2, 0 , 0 , 0 ]
#Ω[5,:] = [ 0 , 1/2, 1/2, 0 , 0 ]
## TODO: Implement support for multiple point groups
### Display initial points
#for i in 1:(length(Ps) - 1)
# Object(1:totalFrames, JLine(Ps[i], Ps[i+1], linewidth = 3, color = "#111111"))
# Scaling factor for a Sierpinski n-gon
function gen_lambda(n)
acc = 2
for k in 1:(floor(n/4))
acc = acc + 2*cos(2π*k/n)
return 1/acc
global λ = 0.62 #gen_lambda(n)
# Display iteration points
global Q = [0,0]
global randInt = rand(1:n)
for frm in 1:totalFrames
for _ in 1:iterPerFrame
global randInt = sample(1:n, Weights(Ω[randInt,1:n]))
P = [xs[randInt], ys[randInt]]
global Q = λ * Q + (1 - λ) * P
JCircle(O, pointSize, color = pointColor, action = :fill),
render(vid; liveview=true, pathname = "Punk.gif")
And I’m not certain of what you mean by full stack trace…
I discovered my version of Javis, it’s v0.9.0
I’m not very familiar with Javis myself. But the code you posted works if we remove the liveview = true
argument to render. It successfully generates the gif too. So it seems to be a problem with just the live preview side of it.
Yes, I know. I thought I had written it somewhere, but seems I’ve forgot to mention this detail. The point is that I really want to liveview it