Practical Grassmann.jl examples?

I am looking for examples how to work with forms, e.g. how to evaluate a form on a vector field, pull back a form, do external derivatives and so on.
I already failed at replicating the tutorial linked below, which gives 0v instead of 3v.

julia> @mixedbasis ℝ2
(⟨++--⟩*, v, v₁, v₂, w¹, w², v₁₂, v₁w¹, v₁w², v₂w¹, v₂w², w¹², v₁₂w¹, v₁₂w², v₁w¹², v₂w¹², v₁₂w¹²)

julia> w1+2w2
1w¹ + 2w²

julia> ans(v1+v2)
3v # I get 0v instead

Why is the sum of two Submanifolds a Chain?

(discourse didn’t accept the links below, inserted spaces)
grassmann.crucialflow. com/stable/tutorials/dyadic-tensors/

I also found this helpful paper, but it doesn’t address the basics: vixra. org/pdf/2304.0228v1.pdf

Is there any newbie-friendly documentation out there?

Your best bet could be to open an issue on the Grassmann.jl Github to ask there. The package author, @chakravala, seems to be barred from here, as they can be quite unpleasant when it comes to communicating with other people. So the package author, at least, won’t be answering you here.

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