I am trying to get the sliders working on my pluto notebook on my github-pages website (smgroves.github.io). I was looking at this: Is it possible to use PlutoSliderServer to host github pages with sliders that work? · JuliaPluto/PlutoSliderServer.jl · Discussion #22 · GitHub which seems to imply that something was in the works for getting working sliders on github pages like the computational thinking mit website, but I haven’t found anything that works. So far, I’ve tried running export_notebook from PlutoSliderServer and using that as a webpage (sliders don’t work still). I also tried following along with the tutorial here GitHub - JuliaPluto/static-export-template: A template to automatically convert Pluto notebooks to an HTML website with GitHub Pages. Demo page: , which actually seems to work, but it rewrites my homepage to be an index. I don’t have an index.html in my github repo because of the jekyll template I’m using (that basically uses my about page as the homepage). I couldn’t figure out how to make the htmls for the julia notebooks and NOT overwrite my homepage with an index-- I tried looking at a specific subfolder and it is able to find the correct notebooks (in a folder called julia) but it still overwrites my homepage. My github pages repo is public here: GitHub - smgroves/smgroves.github.io: My professional website . Any specific advice on how I could get pluto notebooks working with sliders? Thanks!