Pluto: how to insert a table from LaTeX code into markdown

Pluto is wonderful and I am trying to pass all my slides into Pluto notebooks. A large part of my slides are written in LaTeX and I am struggling with this part in Pluto.

For example, I have this table in LaTeX:

& \text {Table 1.1. A Jupyter notebook table using LaTeX }\\
\hline \hline \text { Case } & \text { Method 1 } & \text { Method 2 } & \text { Method 3 } \\
\hline 1 & 50 & 837 & 970 \\
2 & 47 & 877 & 230 \\
3 & 31 & 25 & 415 \\
4 & 35 & 144 & 23656 \\
5 & 45 & 300 & 556 \\

If compiled in a LaTeX editor or in a Jupyter notebook leads to


It looks like such a simple thing, but I have not been able to have it displayed on Pluto. Help will be very much appreciated.

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It just works if you put the $$ and the \begin... and the \end{aligned} and the final $$ in the same line, like: $$\begin{aligned} ... \end{aligned}$$.

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@lmiq You just keep saving my skin. I think I had tried your advice before, but I failed (maybe a stupid typo). Then I tried the option


which I have seen people using for equations, but failed. As usual, your suggestion works! When we meet, I’ll pay you a lunch.

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@lmiq By the way, do you have any idea how to auto numerate equations in LaTeX mode and using cross-ref in Pluto? I have raised an issue already about this, but apparently, nobody came up with a solution.

I think currently there is none. There is an issue open somewhere about that if I remember.

Yep, it is the issue #488.

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Is there a way to make this work with \begin{table}? The following does not work for me. Thanks!

c1 & c2 & c3   \\ \hline


Your code does not run in a LaTeX editor either.

This will work in Pluto

\hline & \text { Treatment A } & \text { Treatment B } \\
\hline \text { John Smith } & 1 & 2 \\
\text { Jane Doe } & - & 3 \\
\text { Mary Johnson } & 4 & 5 \\

Thanks for your reply. That is strange. It works in Overleaf, as the attached image shows (perhaps it is calling third party packages). I will use array instead of table as you have suggested. Thank you!

table is a floating environment, could that be the reason?

If I remember correctly, Pluto supports array but not table. In the end, the produce similar results.

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