This isn’t actually a Pluto issue, it’s just a clash between Julia’s string interpolation using a single $ and inserting LaTeX into markdown with paired $$. Usually, a bunch of characters without spaces between $$ will be interpreted as LaTeX, e.g. the $C(max)$ at the end of your string (although the actual rules for what gets interpreted as what are not super straightforward).
Actually, the syntax highlighting here is also giving you a hint that the last $ at the end is not needed. If you remove it, it renders correctly:
Cmin=10.0; Cmax=200.;
Cslider = @bind SlideValC Slider(Cmin:0.1:Cmax, default=51);
md" $(Cmin) J/m^2/K $(Cslider) $(Cmax)"
I’m not sure if it will work with LaTeX, but if it’s just the superscript 2, you could always just insert the superscript manually, via \^2<tab> shortcut.
Hm - am I taking the wrong approach here? Should I even be trying to typeset the superscript with LaTeX? It was natural for me to try to express the units using LaTeX within a piece of markdown, since the expression superscripts. But should I be trying to use the build-in short cuts you mention? (didn’t even realize you use them for stuff besides inserting greek characters).
I think units are generally typeset upstraight (unlike the slanted mathmode), as in the SI Unit package for LaTeX. So you might prefer to use plain markdown for them, like J m⁻² K⁻¹ maybe?