I have been struggling with the base Plots package and have been getting the following error every time I try to plot
/home/ivan/.julia/artifacts/7f59a0ec3d19c98dce30a3ba8ea9cbd8824ce4a6/bin/gksqt: /usr/bin/…/lib/julia/libcurl.so.4: version `CURL_OPENSSL_4’ not found (required by /usr/lib/libproxy/libpxbackend-1.0.so)
connect: Connection refused
GKS: can’t connGKS: Open failed in routine OPEN_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSOP or WSAC in routine ACTIVATE_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINEect to GKS socket application
GKS: Open failed in routine OPEN_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSOP or WSAC in routine ACTIVATE_WS
GKS: GKS not in proper state. GKS must be either in the state WSAC or SGOP in routine POLYLINE
… (repeats)
After some googling and some playing around, I found the same problem arose when I tried using the GR package and doing a simple histogram(randn(1000)). I have tried rebuilding the package to no avail, and other suggestions such as updating and installing other packages does nothing. Any tips for how to proceed?