When I try to use Plotly in Julia Notebook, I get the following error:
WebIO not detected.
Please read the troubleshooting guide for more information on how to resolve this issue.
Here is the process I used to install julia and configure:
python -m venv julia
source julia/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install jupyter jupyterlab webio_jupyter_extension
curl -fsSL https://install.julialang.org | sh -s -- --default-channel=lts
julia> using Pkg
julia> pkg"add IJulia"
julia> pkg"add Plotly"
julia> using IJulia
julia> notebook()
Then in the notebook:
using Plotly
my_plot = plot([scatter(x=[1,2], y=[3,4])], Layout(title="My plot"))
This is when I get the error mentioned above. I have tried a couple different versions of python and julia… 1.11.3 has an issue building WebIO, so I am using LTS here. Any help appreciated.