Parallelization for Large DataFrames

@bkamins, would you please suggest how to make the attached code more efficient with parallelization? The DataFrame size is 1,877,655,217 rows × 27 columns.

using DataFrames, Dates, Statistics, Base.Threads

# Optimized function to detect heatwaves
function detect_heatwaves(latitudes, dates, daily_max_temperatures)
    window_size = 31
    heatwave_flags = falses(length(daily_max_temperatures))
    threshold_percentile = 0.9

    i = 1
    while i <= length(dates)
        hemisphere = latitudes[i] >= 0 ? "Northern" : "Southern"
        month_num = month(dates[i])

        is_in_interest = (hemisphere == "Northern" ? month_num in [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] : month_num in [11, 12, 1, 2, 3])

        if is_in_interest
            window_start = max(1, i - window_size ÷ 2)
            window_end = min(length(daily_max_temperatures), i + window_size ÷ 2)

            threshold = quantile(daily_max_temperatures[window_start:window_end], threshold_percentile)

            count_consecutive_days = 0
            j = i  # set j as counter starting from i
            while j <= length(dates) && daily_max_temperatures[j] > threshold
                count_consecutive_days += 1
                j += 1

            if count_consecutive_days >= 3
                heatwave_flags[i:j-1] .= true
                i = j  # update i to skip the counted days
                i += 1
            i += 1

    return heatwave_flags

# Load data

# Function to process each group
function process_group(group)
    latitudes =
    dates = group.time
    daily_max_temperatures = group.AvgSurfT_tavg

    heatwave_flags = detect_heatwaves(latitudes, dates, daily_max_temperatures)
    group.heatwave_con = heatwave_flags
    return group

# Parallelize the processing using Threads module
function parallel_heatwave_detection(df)
    grouped_df = DataFrames.groupby(df, [:lon, :lat])
    results = Vector{DataFrame}(undef, length(grouped_df))

    @threads for idx in 1:length(grouped_df)
        results[idx] = process_group(grouped_df[idx])

    combined_results = vcat(results...)
    return combined_results

# Calculate and display the time taken for the process
@time p_df = parallel_heatwave_detection(dfm)

On the high level it looks OK (i.e. threading is introduced at the highest level of processing of the data). I have not analyzed if detect_heatwaves function is efficient, but it is unrelated to threading or DataFrames.jl as it is a single-threaded code using basic Julia functionalities (if I understand your code correctly).

Would you please suggest to me how to parallelize each step?