Hi !
I try to process DataFrame columns in parallel. I first think using pmap() but it was not possible because it is not just applying a function to each columns. So I created a toy example here producing my error.
It is unclear for me if this error is because DataFrames are not thread safe or related to another problem.
ERROR: LoadError: On worker 3:
KeyError: key DataFrames [a93c6f00-e57d-5684-b7b6-d8193f3e46c0] not found
Thanks in advance for your help !
using DataFrames
using Distributed
# this function computes the sum of 2 DataFrame columns
@everywhere function sum2col(df, c1, nc)
result = Array{Array{String, 1}, 1}()
for c2 = (c1+1):nc
su = sum(df[!,c1]) + sum(df[!,c2])
str = [string(names(df)[c1]) , string(names(df)[c2]), string(su)]
push!(result, str)
return result
# this function start the jobs
function process(df)
(nr, nc) = size(df) # row number and col number
t = Array{Future,1}(undef,nc-1) # Future array
# column 1 = rownames we start at column 2
@sync for c1 = 2:(nc-1)
@async t[c1-1] = @spawn sum2col(df, c1, nc)
# get jobs results
fetchJobs(nc, t)
# this function get the jobs results
function fetchJobs(nc, t)
result = [["col1", "col2", "Sum"]]
@sync for j in 2:(nc-1)
@async r = fetch(t[j-1])
# push the results together
append!(result, r)
return result
df = DataFrame(A = ["row1", "row2", "row3", "row4"], B = rand(4), C = rand(4), D = rand(4), E = rand(4))
sumAllCol = process(df)