Hi Guys,
for me the Documentation about Parallel Programming is kinda Confusing in Julia. For me its hard to distinguish the first two Groups of Parallel Programming.
Is the first Coroutine variant only for IO things, where I have to wait for hardware or how do #1 and #2 differ? Does #1 not run in parallel but is simply “paused” & “startable” and thus only waits for things running in the background and tries to optimize this waiting time by executing other calculations in the meantime?
I would expect that if #1 would run parallel, the following parallel example would be faster than sequential. but this is not the case, can I conclude that #1 is not running parallel? or is the example just bad?
function sum_of_sum_seq(a, b)
l = sum(a)
r = sum(b)
return l + r
function sum_of_sum_parallel(a, b)
taskR = @async sum(b)
l = sum(a)
r = fetch(taskR)
return l + r
a = rand(Int, 2_000_000_000)
b = rand(Int, 2_000_000_000)
time_seq = @elapsed result_seq = sum_of_sum_seq(a, b)
time_parallel = @elapsed result_parallel = sum_of_sum_parallel(a, b)
$ JULIA_NUM_THREADS=2 julia test.jl
Sequential: -2088123306310354629, Time = 66.3472296 ms
Parallel: -2088123306310354629, Time = 100.3715951 ms
How do #1 and #2 differ? When should you use #1 or #2? Can both be scaled accross threads?
Coroutines run on the same thread where you start them. You will get performance benefit from @async only when using blocking operations, like IO. You have to use Threads.@spawn instead of @async to utilize more threads.
i have read that. but my thought problem is that if #1 does not run parallel and #2 is based on #1, how can #2 run parallel?
and by parallel i just mean run on multiple threads
A Task is just a task. It can run asynchronously with @async on the same thread or parallel with @spawn on parallel threads. Therefore the task mechanism is for #1 and #2.
Perhaps this is easier to understand if you think of @async and @spawn doing two things:
just to see if i understood it #1, #2 both creat Tasks, depending on how you shedule/start the task its run on the same thread or on a new one
Threads.spawn wraps the function into a Task and runs it on a diffrent thread (#2)
async also wraps the function into a Task but runs it on the same thread (#1)
@spawn accidentally can start it on the same thread since it puts it on one of all available threads. But in my experience it chooses first other threads.