Package to Plot Physical System in Julia

Hi all,

I want to know whether there are package that can create this physical system below, or similar, (you can suggest something outside Julia, if there is no such package).

Capture d’écran_2022-09-19_21-34-37

Thanks a lot.

Are you looking for a package that

  • Draws diagrams like in the picture?
  • Simulates the system and plots the trajectories?
  • Has a GUI to build a model of such a system?

For the answer:

  • Draws diagrams like in the picture? yes

  • Simulates the system and plots the trajectories? if possible yes too for this

  • Has a GUI to build a model of such a system? I think GUI is too much, I still love to learn raw coding.

Please don’t tell me the answer for all the above are MATLAB.

For drawing diagrams, check out
maybe it has something you could make use of.

For simulating the system, which is linear, you could use

  1. OrdinaryDiffEq.jl directly
  2. Create the transfer function in ControlSystemsBase.jl and call lsim
  3. Model the system in ModelingToolkit.jl, possibly using components from ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.Rotational (translational is not yet merged, but rotational should be mostly equivalent for many purposes).

The GUI question does not yet have a Julia answer.


For drawing I would suggest (not related to Julia)…

For modelling and simulation of physical systems you could also try GitHub - ModiaSim/Modia.jl: Modeling and simulation of multidomain engineering systems .

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