I am trying to use JuMP to solve a dynamic programming problem, but I cannot get MPEC (with Ipopt) to work.
I am solving a prediction problem. There are 2 products, “safe” and “risky”. The safe product always yields utility 0 and the risky product yields utility β x + ξ
, where x
is a (time-varying) observable characteristic, β
a regression coefficient and ξ
a (time-varying) utility shock. In each period, if the decision maker opts for the safe product, they get utility 0 and exit the market. If the decision maker opts for the risky one, then with probability q
(time-varying) they get it and exit the market, and with probability 1-q
they fail and advance to the next period.
I want to minimize the sum of squared utility shocks ξ
, subject to the constraint that the model-implied market shares s(β, ξ)
match the data market shares s0
. Here is a minimal (non-working) example:
using JuMP, Ipopt, Random
# generate fake data
N = 100 # number of periods
β = 1.0 # fundamental parameter
x = randn(N) # exog. regressor
ξ0 = 0.25 * randn(N) # good-specific iid shock; in fact E[ξ] ≜ 0
u = x * β .+ ξ0 # mean utility of good 1
q = rand(N) # probability of winning when choosing good 1 (good 2 always has q = 1, u = 0)
v, V = zeros(N), zeros(N) # initialize choice-specific value function (1) and value function
for i=1:N
v = q .* u + (1 .- q) .* vcat(V[2:end], 0.0) # solve cvf(1) for all t
V = log.(1 .+ exp.(v)) # solve emax for all t
s0 = exp.(v) ./(1 .+ exp.(v)) # generate observed market shares
# code up MPEC
function obj(ξ...)
sum(ξ[i] .^ 2 for i=1:N)
function getMeanUtilities(β, ξ::Vararg{TT, NN} where NN) where {TT <: Union{Real, VariableRef}}
# recover mean utilities
u = Vector{Any}(undef, N)
for i=1:N
u[i] = x[i] * β + ξ[i]
function getShares(u::Vararg{TT, NN} where NN) where {TT <: Union{Real, VariableRef}}
# # initialize and recover cvf
v = Vector{TT}(undef, N)
V = Vector{TT}(undef, N)
s = Vector{TT}(undef, N)
for i=1:N
v[i] = q[i] * u[i]
V[i] = log(1 + exp(v[i]))
for t=1:N
for i=1:N
v[i] = q[i] * u[i] + (1-q[i]) * (i == N ? 0 : V[i+1])
V[i] = log(1 + exp(v[i]))
for i=1:N
s[i] = exp(v[i])/(1 + exp(v[i]))
# now define model
mdl = Model(Ipopt.Optimizer)
@variables(mdl, begin
register(mdl, :obj, N, obj; autodiff=true)
register(mdl, :getMeanUtilities, N+1, getMeanUtilities;
register(mdl, :getShares, N, getShares; autodiff=true)
@constraint(mdl, [i=1:N], getMeanUtilities(β, ξ...)[i] == u[i])
@NLconstraint(mdl, [i=1:N], getShares(u...)[i] == s0[i])
The error I get when trying to define the nonlinear constraint is the following:
MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Array{GenericAffExpr{Float64,VariableRef},1} to an object of type VariableRef
How should I proceed?