Let us consider the following optimization problem:
using JuMP, Ipopt
function Opti_model(A,b)
m = Model(with_optimizer(Ipopt.Optimizer))
@objective(m,Max,sum(A[i,j]*x[i]*x[j] for i=1:5, j=1:5)+sum(c[i]*x[i] for i=1:5))
return (getvalue(x))
B = rand(5,5).*2 .- 1
c = rand(5,1)
Primal_sol = Opti_model(B'*B,c)
There is an obvious bug using
This does not work with JuMP 0.19, so I find the following format:
If we use the above solution, then we need to run a loop and also need an extra variable to store the values. Is there any other efficient way to do this?