Notebook cells hung up in VS Code

Just a heads, it turns out the IJulia kernel was not actually running in my Julia notebook opened in VScode. The results of isdefined(Main, :IJulia) and Main.IJulia.inited were both false. I’m not exactly sure what backend was running the notebook, I’m assuming still IJulia since I needed it downloaded globally, but something must have still been messed up.

As an end user, this was an issue because I wanted access to specific IJulia commands, such as IJulia.clear_output(). In order to get VScode to start IJulia and realize it was running in my notebooks, I had to make a symlink from the (at the time non-existence) path to where Julia itself normally installs itself when using the exe/dmg, to where I had actually installed it with Homebrew. Not sure why, but IJulia automatically assumes to check for the exe/dmg location for the julia executable, and that, apparently, was causing me some issues.

Hope this helps someone out there!