My silly journey into Julia

Well, I wanted to build a game that is simulated, that you could do things like heroes do in movies or so. That would require quite a simulation, and I had to re-think how games are made, for example, should non-game- breaking “glitches” be considered features? Should the game even be “balanced” by the developers? Should aimbots be allowed? And I quite came up with a contrarian answer. Instead of making a well-polished game, with glitches fixed, game-breaking stuffs patched, balanced, and no bot, I decided something radical. I’m gonna do a game that’s none of those! That freedom it gave allowed me to design physics-simulation-based games. Still, I still need to make it somehow, how should the light render? How should the game work? I decided that if I had a team, we wouldn’t be able to afford using C++ for such an ambition, so Python was it, I tinkered with ways to improve Python speed. However, I found this post!

So, I decided, let’s go, after making a few stuffs in Pygame, then, “Julia is calling me”.

Then I made a shell repository storing my dream.

What am I supposed to do next? I might need a new rendering system! (I’m currently believing triangles might not be the best rendering system for my game, maybe particles-based rendering system works better, I don’t know!)

How do I make an asset creator? I don’t know!

Would the game include realistic collision systems that allows fantasy-simulated (not necessarily realistic) sound? Maybe!

So, okay, what next? IDK, I hope the stars will align.

So, thank you for reading. That was my silly journey into Julia.


You might want to look into artifacts for your assets:

I would suggest to start simple, and do not let difficulties or slow progress demotivate you. If you approach it foremost as a learning experience, it does not matter if you don‘t achieve everything you wanted to do.