I need to interact with a MQTT broker service. JuliaHub lists no packages for MQTT itself. I found MQTT.jl on github from 4 years ago. However it doesn’t compile as a package. and it doesn’t run well at all. I started to update it for current julia (1.7.3), but I seem to run into more issues. Before I sidetrack myself with updating MQTT.jl, does anyone know of a working julia MQTT interface?
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Replying to my own thread, I found this recent fork of MQTT.jl which is not a package, but works enough for now.
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When does the MQTT package going to be official and can be imported by pkg?
Hello, this is available now, the Mosquitto package is registered. You can just do “]add Mosquitto” in a Julia REPL to install the package.
The current version should work out of the box, if not, please file an issue. Before releasing a 1.0 I still want to rework a bit how properties for MQTTv5 work and add some documentation, but this will not happen tomorrow, needs a few boring weekends.
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the command “connect” shows me the modbus connect, not the mosquitto connect?
No, the Mosquitto package is not related to Modbus. It is really the Mosquitto connect. If you get a “MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS::mosq_err_t = 0” it means the connection should work.
I think its best if you ask the questions related to the package in a new topic or on Github directly, as this topic here is unrelated to that.
ok, thanks, i will make further investigation. Maybe I’ve done something wrong?
M.f.G. Pascal