Hello everyone! I am really happy to announce Telegram.jl, a package that contains native Julia Telegram Messanger SDK, logging and bot facilities.
This package was built with the main idea of using Telegram as an instant message backend for various notification and reporting systems. So, the simplest way to use this package is by doing something like this
using Telegram, Telegram.API
tg = TelegramClient("YOUR TOKEN", chat_id = "YOUR CHAT_ID")
# Some lengthy calculations...
# ...
# After calculations complete
sendMessage(text = "Calculation completed, result is $result")
and you shouldn’t worry and check regularly when your script finishes its work, you will see notification on your phone!
Let me briefly describe the main features of the package.
- One time setup for instant messaging.
As you can see from the intro, if all you need is to send notification messages to single chat, you can set everything once at the beginning of the script
using Telegram, Telegram.API
tg = TelegramClient("YOUR TOKEN", chat_id = "YOUR CHAT_ID")
and all following Telegram.jl
function calls will use these settings through all code, so the message sending looks like (of course, you can make everything explicit if needed).
sendMessage(text = "Hello world")
- Sending pictures, documents, and so on.
You can easily sendIO
objects, they will be converted to a proper format
# Send image stored as a file
sendPhoto(photo = open("picture.jpg", "r"))
# Send in-memory generated object
iob = IOBuffer()
print(iob, "Hello world!")
sendDocument(document = "hello.txt" => iob)
which may come handy if you generated some visual reports as a result of calculations.
Full cover of all Telegram bot functions.
Well, this is just a small touch, but thanks to the combination of Gumbo.jl, Cascadia.jl and Underscores.jl all Telegram bot API functions were extracted from relevant web page and transformed in Julia functions. There is a fallback methodapiquery
which accepts method as aString
, so you can callapiquery("getMe")
, but I findgetMe()
more convenient.
So, if you look at API Reference you would see more than 70 API methods with individual docstrings. -
Logging system
Another usage of Telegram API is the logging system. Thanks to the awesome LoggingExtras.jl package, you only need to add couple of configuration lines and get telegram as an additional channel for critical messages.
using Telegram
using Logging, LoggingExtras
tg = TelegramClient(ENV["TG_TOKEN"], chat_id = ENV["TG_CHAT_ID"])
tg_logger = TelegramLogger(tg; async = false)
demux_logger = TeeLogger(
MinLevelLogger(tg_logger, Logging.Error),
@warn "It is bad" # goes to console
@info "normal stuff" # goes to console
@error "THE WORSE THING" # goes to console AND telegram
@debug "it is chill" # goes to console
So if you have already a working application with established logging, you do not need to change anything in the main code to get telegram instant messaging.
- In addition, there is also a
function, which makes it really easy to write Telegram bots. Here is an example of Echo bot, which just returns your message back
using Telegram, Telegram.API
run_bot() do msg
sendMessage(text = msg.message.text, chat_id = msg.message.chat.id)
I’ve used this package to build a more advanced bot, which draws turtle graphics with the help of Luxor.jl package. As an input, it accepts a sequence of angles and then turtle draws an expanding spiral by turning on a defined angle each step. Code can be found in bot documentation and it uses one of the features, all drawings are generated in memory and immediately sent to the Telegram without storing in the filesystem.
You can find this bot here: Telegram: Contact @julia_turtle_experiment_bot and it’s still running without any issues after it was launched a few days ago.
P.S.: Development of this package was sponsored by a secret organization which prefer to remain anonymous, but you can find it’s logo by entering following coordinates in turtle bot: 30 30 179.02