Hi all,
I am implementing the following constraint which is allocating around 27MB of memory.
for i in 1:nLines
f_bus = nw_lines[i].line_from
t_bus = nw_lines[i].line_to
idx_t_bus = findall(x->x==t_bus,rdata_buses[:,1])
idx_f_bus = findall(x->x==f_bus,rdata_buses[:,1])
for t in 1:nTP
for s in 1:nSc
@timeit tmr "con_current_brnc" @NLconstraint(acopf,((gij_line^2+bij_line^2)*((e[s,t,idx_f_bus]^2+f[s,t,idx_f_bus]^2)+(e[s,t,idx_t_bus]^2+f[s,t,idx_t_bus]^2)-2*((e[s,t,idx_f_bus]*e[s,t,idx_t_bus]+f[s,t,idx_f_bus]*f[s,t,idx_t_bus]))))<=Imax_lpu^2)
To check the time and memory allocation of this constraint, I am using ‘TimerOutputs’ package and as can be seen, this constraint allocates a large memory (7.68k allocations and 27.2MiB memory).
con_current_brnc 7.68k 13.5ms 46.3% 1.76μs 27.2MiB 68.9% 3.63KiB
Can someone help why is that so? and how can I implement this constraint in a more efficient manner?
The parameters are as follows:
nLines = 34
nTP = 24,
nSc = 10
gij_line and bij_line are paramteres
acopf is JuMP model