Hi there, I am wondering what this is about:
In @time
I see an allocation of 16 Bytes.
When using AllocCheck.check_allocs
, everything is clean.
Here a code example:
using Statistics
using LinearAlgebra
using StaticArrays
using AllocCheck
xs = 1:0.1:30
ys = sin.(xs) + 0.1xs + rand(length(xs))
sumofsquares(n) = n*(n+1.0)*(2.0*n+1.0)/6.0
smooth(a, b, γ) = a + γ * (b - a)
function mytest(ys)
# simplified implementation of https://stats.stackexchange.com/a/370175
# x is the diagonal offset, y the percentage of local recurrence
# we compute the slope of a simple linear regression with bias
xs = 1:length(ys)
x_mean = mean(xs)
xx_mean = sumofsquares(length(xs)) / length(xs)
n = 0.0
y_mean = 0.0
xy_mean = 0.0
for (x, y) in zip(xs, ys)
n += 1.0
y_mean = smooth(y_mean, y, inv(n))
xy_mean = smooth(xy_mean, x*y, inv(n))
A = SA[
xx_mean x_mean
x_mean 1.0
b = SA[xy_mean, y_mean]
return (A \ b)[1] # slope
@time mytest(ys) # 0.000008 seconds (1 allocation: 16 bytes)
AllocCheck.check_allocs(mytest, Tuple{Vector{Float64}}) # Any[]
seems to follow check_allocs
from the second execution onwards. I saw once an allocation in @profview_allocs
as a Vector{Any}
within IncrementalCompact
from the ir.jl
file, but not sure about the precise mechanics which produced this)