Memory allocation inconsistency (again...)

When I run the following

struct Test
     x :: Array{Float64, 1}
     y :: Array{Float64, 1}

function test()
   var = Test([1, 2], [1, 2])
    @time @. var.x = var.y - var.x/var.y^2
    @time @. var.x = var.y - var.x/(var.y*var.y)
    return nothing


I get

  0.000001 seconds (2 allocations: 16 bytes)
  0.000000 seconds

What’s the difference? Why do I get memory allocation when using var.y^2 (first calculation) but not with (var.y*var.y) (second calculation)? I’m using Julia 1.6.1, and I think I was not getting this difference in behavior in previous Julia versions (may be 1.5) (although the present code seems pretty useless, I’m actually getting something similar in an important piece of code, and I’m getting annoyed because I don’t understand what’s happening).

Please help.

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Not sure if this helps but it might be weirder

ulia> function test2()
          var = Test([1, 2], [1, 2])
           @time @. var.x =- var.x/var.y^2 + var.y
           @time @. var.x = var.y - var.x/(var.y*var.y)
           return nothing
test2 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> test2()
  0.000000 seconds
  0.000000 seconds

Changing the order removes the allocation


It just confirms the oddity. I’ve tried in version 1.7.0-beta3 and the result is the same. However, in version 1.5.3, I get no memory allocations.


  0.000000 seconds
  0.000000 seconds

I think this is a bug, something related to the broadcasting function or the dot macro introduced in the 1.6-version update… It’s a pity because this kind of behavior makes the language feel unreliable. :frowning:

These are most certainly benchmarking artifacts. I would suggest putting each broadcasting in a different function, returning a meaningful result, and using @btime.

No, this is definitely some issue with broadcasting. Since 1.5 was not affected, I would recommend git bisect to find the culprit.

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The allocation is caused by the RefValue in the lower code.
I use Julia 1.6.1.
You can try the following code.

struct Test
    x :: Array{Float64, 1}
    y :: Array{Float64, 1}

function test1(var)
    @. var.x = var.y - var.x/var.y^2
    return nothing
function test2(var)
    @. var.x = var.y - var.x/(var.y*var.y)
    return nothing

var = Test([1, 2], [1, 2])
# Run following code twice to exclude the allocation of compiling.
@allocated test1(var)
@allocated test2(var)

test1 allocates 16 bytes and test2 doesn’t allocate.
Check the lower code:

@code_typed test1(var)
│     %240 = Base.getfield(%239, 1, false)::Base.RefValue{typeof(^)}
│            Base.getfield(%240, :x)::typeof(^)
│     %242 = Core.getfield(%239, 2)::Base.Broadcast.Extruded{Vector{Float64}, Tuple{Bool}, Tuple{Int64}}
│     %243 = Core.getfield(%239, 3)::Base.RefValue{Val{2}}

You can see the RefValue here, it causes exactly two allocations, each 8 bytes, while:

@code_typed test2(var)

has no RefValue. And it only creates immutable values.
So I wonder what happens here?
Edit: LLVM IR of test1 has two additional jl_gc_pool_alloc while test2 has no (except on the error branch, but in this case we don’t throw errors).


I am just a Julia user and like the way Julia handles broadcasting. I’ve posted an issue in I hope this issue is solved. In the meantime I went back to 1.5.3…

Some even more interesting observations:
If I expand the @. manually, then the allocation is gone:

function test3(var)
    return nothing

@allocated test3(var) is zero…
Edit: the above lowering code is not exactly correct. See the following post to get the correct lowering.

So, the problem must be with the macro.

Noop, I mistake the lower form of the code. It actually should be:

Meta.@lower var.x .= var.y .- var.x./var.y.^2
:($(Expr(:thunk, CodeInfo(
    @ none within `top-level scope'
1 ─ %1  = Base.getproperty(var, :x)
│   %2  = Base.getproperty(var, :y)
│   %3  = Base.getproperty(var, :x)
│   %4  = Base.getproperty(var, :y)
│   %5  = Core.apply_type(Base.Val, 2)
│   %6  = (%5)()
│   %7  = Base.broadcasted(Base.literal_pow, ^, %4, %6)
│   %8  = Base.broadcasted(/, %3, %7)
│   %9  = Base.broadcasted(-, %2, %8)
│   %10 = Base.materialize!(%1, %9)
└──       return %10

copy the lower code you get:

function test3(var)
    v7 = Base.Broadcast.broadcasted(Base.literal_pow,^,var.y,Base.Val(2))
    v8 = Base.Broadcast.broadcasted(/,var.x,v7)
    v9 = Base.Broadcast.broadcasted(-,var.y,v8)
    return nothing

It still allocates 16 bytes…

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Ok, I guess I found the reason. It’s because there is an uninlined function call preprocess_args.
Redefine the function fix the bug:

import Base.Broadcast.preprocess_args
import Base.Broadcast.preprocess
@inline preprocess_args(dest, args::Tuple) = (Base.Broadcast.preprocess(dest, args[1]), Base.Broadcast.preprocess_args(dest, Base.tail(args))...)
@inline preprocess_args(dest, args::Tuple{Any}) = (Base.Broadcast.preprocess(dest, args[1]),)
@inline preprocess_args(dest, args::Tuple{}) = ()

@aaraujo71 Can you try the following code?
On my computer with Julia 1.6.1:

struct Test
    x :: Array{Float64, 1}
    y :: Array{Float64, 1}

function test1(var)
    @. var.x = var.y - var.x/var.y^2
    return nothing

var = Test([1, 2], [1, 2])
@allocated test1(var)
@assert var.x == [0,1.5]

var = Test([1, 2], [1, 2])
@allocated test1(var)
@assert var.x == [0,1.5]

import Base.Broadcast.preprocess_args
import Base.Broadcast.preprocess
@inline preprocess_args(dest, args::Tuple) = (Base.Broadcast.preprocess(dest, args[1]), Base.Broadcast.preprocess_args(dest, Base.tail(args))...)
@inline preprocess_args(dest, args::Tuple{Any}) = (Base.Broadcast.preprocess(dest, args[1]),)
@inline preprocess_args(dest, args::Tuple{}) = ()
var = Test([1, 2], [1, 2])
@allocated test1(var)
@assert var.x == [0,1.5]

var = Test([1, 2], [1, 2])
@allocated test1(var)
@assert var.x == [0,1.5]

You should have 4 allocation number, the first and the third one is a large number including compilation time and the second and the fourth one is 16 (with uninlined function) and 0 (after fix).

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Github issue for those wanting to follow it

I am using 1.5.3 now. However, when I run your code I get nothing. I must be doing something wrong.

My mistake… You need to add a println to each @allocoated. I use a REPL so println is not needed. The code would be:

struct Test
    x :: Array{Float64, 1}
    y :: Array{Float64, 1}

function test1(var)
    @. var.x = var.y - var.x/var.y^2
    return nothing

# compile
var = Test([1, 2], [1, 2])
println(@allocated test1(var))
@assert var.x == [0,1.5]

# before fix
var = Test([1, 2], [1, 2])
println(@allocated test1(var))
@assert var.x == [0,1.5]

import Base.Broadcast.preprocess_args
import Base.Broadcast.preprocess
@inline preprocess_args(dest, args::Tuple) = (Base.Broadcast.preprocess(dest, args[1]), Base.Broadcast.preprocess_args(dest, Base.tail(args))...)
@inline preprocess_args(dest, args::Tuple{Any}) = (Base.Broadcast.preprocess(dest, args[1]),)
@inline preprocess_args(dest, args::Tuple{}) = ()

# compile
var = Test([1, 2], [1, 2])
println(@allocated test1(var))
@assert var.x == [0,1.5]

# after fix
var = Test([1, 2], [1, 2])
println(@allocated test1(var))
@assert var.x == [0,1.5]

Simply save the code in the file and run it with Julia. You should get:

$ julia alloc.jl 


I get the following:


(version 1.6.1, first run)


(version 1.6.1, second run)


(version 1.5.3, first run)


(version 1.5.3, second run)