Is it possible to not draw the outlines of the circles and just the voronoiplots within the circle?
I want to create a figure of an alpha complex and wanted to layer several clipped Voronoi plots to do this. Unfortunately I can’t just draw the lines of the Voronoi diagram and not draw the lines of the clipping circle. A minimal working example follows:
using CairoMakie
using DelaunayTriangulation
using Random
using Combinatorics
using GeometryBasics
using Distances
points = rand(Point2f, 4) * 3.0
f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1], aspect = DataAspect())
tri = triangulate(points)
for p in points
r = 1.0
circ = CircularArc((p[1]-r, p[2]), (p[1]-r, p[2]), (p[1], p[2])) # clip to a circle
clip_points = [circ(t) for t in LinRange(0, 1, 100)]
clip_vertices = [1:(length(clip_points)-1); 1]
vorn = voronoi(tri, clip=true, clip_polygon=(clip_points, clip_vertices))
voronoiplot!(ax, vorn, color = paired_colors[1], markersize = 1.5 * ms, strokewidth = 0.5)
All help much appreciated.