Looking for advice on a guide I'm writing

Hello! So what’s up is that I am writing an overview of the REPL aimed at people who have never seen a command line before and would like to know what everyone thinks should be essential knowledge. I plan on covering modes, common commands such as those for scrolling through the history, how backspace and delete work, along with tab completion and customizing the REPL.


Paging the REPL master @miguelraz and the REPL artist @Ronis_BR ! :smile:

Also, welcome to the community @Steven_Kell ! The two folks I pinged are experts with the Julia REPL and have a ton of resources they have created.


Thank you. I’ve been following Julia for years but finally decided to get serious about learning it recently after getting introduced to Logan thanks to PyData.


That’s awesome! I presented last year at PyData Global on Javis.jl.

Also, here is a great video to look at for REPL Mastery.


I feel like knowing about TerminalPager is a good thing.


@Steven_Kell I’m so glad you asked this question because it was precisely that question which led me to make a 3 hour YouTube workshop for JuliaCon 2021 on Julia REPL Mastery (which Jacob already kindly mentioned).

I think I go over all those things you asked for and more.

I definitely need to find time to chop up all the lil’ nuggets into bite size 30 second videos, but that’s what the new year is for I guess.