February 23, 2019, 3:53am
In the download page it is stated: Long-term support release (v1.0.3). What does that mean? should we stick to this version? Will the next stable release be (v2.0.x)?
Perhaps this answers your question?
Now that we’ve released Julia 1.0 and are close to 1.0.1 and have added some new features and minor changes to the 1.1 development branch (i.e. master), it seems like time to talk about the future of the Julia release process. After various discussions in person, on Slack, and on this week’s triage call, it seems like there’s fairly solid consensus behind the following plan.
Patch releases
Patch releases increment the last digit of Julia’s version number, e.g. going from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 curre…