LightXML question

I’m reading an XML file that looks like this:

	<machine name="Raspberry Pi" node="julia-user@NODE-RPI3" julia-bin="/home/julia-user/julia-0.6.0/bin/">
		<pins category="GPIO">
			<!--left pins (left) -->
			<!--left pins (right) -->
			<!--right pins (left) -->
			<!--right pins (right) -->

I use the following code to get at different aspects:

using LightXML
xdoc = parse_file("RPI3.conf")

# get the root element
xroot = root(xdoc)  # an instance of XMLElement
# print its name
println(name(xroot))  # this should print: machine_information

machine = get_elements_by_tagname(xroot, "machine")
name = attribute(machine[1], "name")
node = attribute(machine[1], "node")
bindir = attribute(machine[1], "julia-bin")
pins = find_element(machine[1], "pins")
pin = collect(child_elements(pins))

So, the last line I am trying to access individual pins in a collection:

julia> pin
26-element Array{Any,1}:

If I do content(pin[1]) I get the value “2” - good. content(pin[2]) I get the value “3”. But, I want to get the name of the node, I get an error.

julia> name(pin[2])
ERROR: MethodError: objects of type String are not callable

Am I accessing this correctly? I would like to be able to loop through the pin collection and get the name and the value.

You’ve assigned name a value:

name = attribute(machine[1], "name")

which is masking the name() function that you’re trying to call. Either change the name of your variable to something else or call

Thanks. That was a duh! moment.