I finally got an SIR model to work with SIR combined with ModelToolkit. Here is the code:
using Plots
using DataFrames
using ModelingToolkit
using DiffEqBase
using DiffEqJump
using LightGraphs
using SpecialGraphs
const nedgess = 3000
const nvertss = 500
const dgs = DiGraph(nvertss, nedgess);
# Degree of each node: 2nd argument 5
const dgr = random_regular_digraph(nvertss, 5)
function setupSystem(graph)
nverts = length(vertices(graph))
nedges = length(edges(graph))
# Allow for different beta on each edgse
@parameters t β[1:nedges] γ[1:nverts] ;
@variables S[1:nverts](t);
@variables I[1:nverts](t);
@variables R[1:nverts](t);
rxsS = [Reaction(β[i],[I[src(e)], S[dst(e)]], [I[dst(e)]], [1,1], [2])
for (i,e) ∈ enumerate(edges(graph))]
rxsI = [Reaction(γ[v],[I[v]], [R[v]]) # note: src to src, yet there is no edges
for v ∈ vertices(graph)]
rxs = vcat(rxsS, rxsI);
vars = vcat(S,I,R);
params = vcat(β,γ);
rs = ReactionSystem(rxs, t, vars, params);
js = convert(JumpSystem, rs);
println("Completed: convert(JumpSystem)")
S0 = ones(nverts)
I0 = zeros(nverts)
R0 = zeros(nverts)
S0[1] = 0.; # One person is infected
I0[1] = 1.;
R0[1] = 1. - S0[1] - I0[1]
vars0 = vcat(S0, I0, R0);
# Two column vectors
γ = fill(0.25, nverts);
β = fill(0.50, nedges);
params = vcat(β,γ)
initial_state = [convert(Variable,state) => vars0[i] for (i,state) in enumerate(states(js))];
initial_params = [convert(Variable,par) => params[i] for (i,par) in enumerate(parameters(js))];
tspan = (0.0,20.0)
@time dprob = DiscreteProblem(js, initial_state, tspan, initial_params)
println("Completed: DiscreteProblem")
@time jprob = JumpProblem(js, dprob, NRM())
println("Completed: JumpProblem")
@time sol = solve(jprob, SSAStepper())
println("Completed: solve")
return sol
function processData(sol)
nverts = nvertss
nedges = nedgess
println("nverts=$nverts, nedges= $nedges")
dfs = convert(Matrix, DataFrame(sol))
Sf = dfs[1:nverts,:]
If = dfs[nverts+1:2*nverts,:]
Rf = dfs[2*nverts+1:3*nverts,:]
Savg = (sum(Sf; dims=1)') / nverts
Iavg = (sum(If; dims=1)') / nverts
Ravg = (sum(Rf; dims=1)') / nverts
return Savg, Iavg, Ravg
# Times: sol.t
# Solution at nodes: sol.u
# sol.u[1] |> length == 120 (3 * nverts)
sol = setupSystem(dgr)
Savg, Iavg, Ravg = processData(sol)
plot(sol.t, Savg)
plot(sol.t, Iavg)
plot(sol.t, Ravg)
A single run for tspan=(0.,20.)
takes about 18.85 sec, with most of the time taken in JumpProblem
(18.55 sec). The network has 500 nodes with 5 edges per node. There were only 955 discrete times. I do not have a sense on how well my code is optimized, although I do not see how poor optimization on my part could slow down the JumpProblem
routine, although I do not really know.
If anybody has any insight, I would be greatly appreciative. I will try and copy some code from Simon Frost and see if I can duplicate the results. Simon did not use the ModelingKit.