Juno slow to execute JumP models

I have been using Atom to execute the file that contains my LP problem. However, it has been becoming too slow and usually I have to force close of Atom because it bugs. My specifications are:

Windows 7 and Juno for JuliaPro

Anyone knows another way to execute my JuMP model? I could use command prompt but the window workspace is very important to me, to be sure i’ve been building my model correctly. Thanks in advance.

It would be very interesting to know in which way and when Juno crashes/bugs so we can fix that :slight_smile:

I’m creating a model that in its simple version contains 20k variables and it can evolve according to the data. Inside my model I created many expressions in order to use them in my objective function/constraints. As I like to see if the expressions were created as I expected, I’m used to access workspace, click at the expression I’m interested in and see the result. It used to work but recently, all the time I try to see my expression, Atom crash and I have to force it to close. Besides that, Juno became slow to start Julia and also to create and solve my LP.

Since you’re mentioning recent regression in stability and speed – did you upgrade any packages manually? That’s not really a good idea when using JuliaPro and might very well lead to stability issues. If you want to manually manage package versions then you should not be using JuliaPro in the first place.

I’m used to access workspace, click at the expression I’m interested in and see the result. It used to work but recently, all the time I try to see my expression, Atom crash and I have to force it to close.

How big are those expressions?

Besides that, Juno became slow to start Julia and also to create and solve my LP.

There’s not really any reason why Juno or Julia should become slower with time, unless you update packages. If so, see above.

I see. I used the command in my juno prompt when I install the pack DataStructure


and that’s true it became unstable after that…
Do you think I have to uninstall and install everything again? How can I update my packages without using this command manually? Thanks in advance.

My expressions have about 300 entries and each expression can be really big, its a sum of 240 variables. I used to be able to see it, but now, every time I try, Atom crashs.