@Ismael-VC pointed this out on Gitter the other day.
I am putting it down here so the information is not lost to the aether.
Someone has created a website: https://juliar.org/
for a “juliar” langauge.
and a github org: https://github.com/juliarLang/
Old website is at: http://s13.zifboards.com/juliar/
It is a (near) homophone for julia.
The logo is reminiscent of Rs (Letter in a circle).
I feel like they may be doing this on purpose.
But maybe not – according to old readme it was made for their girlfriend (cute gift :-D)
But actually that does not matter.
One can still defend one’s trademark, regardless of violators intent.
Infact one generally has to, in order to keep it, (particularly for an unregistered trademark).
Other organisations (eg not for profits) I am involved with are fierce about protecting their trademarks.
They do have lawyers smack people down for coming too close to their protected identity.
I personally think that this is indeed the right approach to take.
See also: Trademark Guidelines/Fair-Use Policy for Julia name/logo - #4 by StefanKarpinski
I’m not a lawyer. This is not legal advise.
Just pointing out that this juliar thing exists.