(@JuliaPro_v1.5.1-1) pkg> add MLJ
Updating registry at C:\Users\dell\.julia\registries\JuliaComputingRegistry
ERROR: The following package names could not be resolved:
You can use Juno the editor if you want, just don’t use JuliaPro as your Julia version. The current release is 1.6.2, and JuliaPro will not get any further updates. Just install the latest stable release and set your Julia path in Juno to that version if you want to continue using Juno.
No, I mean DO NOT use JuliaPro. Just use the official latest release from here:
To elaborate a little bit: JuliaPro can basically be thought of as regular Julia, bundled together with Atom to enable the Juno IDE (essentially a Julia plugin for Atom), and a custom registry (the JuliaComputing registry, which is a “curated” version of the General registry that normal Julia uses). JuliaPro is howver not being updated any further, and therefore stuck on Julia 1.5. Furthermoe, the curated registry often leads to package installation issues like the one you experience.