JuliaCon 2024 Tuesday Daily Digest


Welcome to the beautiful city of Eindhoven, and to the first JuliaCon in Europe in 6 years! JuliaCon 2024 is at three locations: workshops are at the Neuron Building at TU Eindhoven on Tuesday, the main conference is at the Philips Stadion (Wednesday through Friday), and the hackathon is at Grand Café De Lichttoren (Saturday).

Let us go over some basic information as we get ready for Workshop Day at JuliaCon 2024:

  1. Location: The workshops will be held at the Neuron building at TU Eindhoven at Laplace-gebouw, Laplace 32, 5612 AZ Eindhoven, Netherlands. It is a 20 min walk and 7 min bike ride from Eindhoven station. The main entrance is located here, and bikes can be parked here.
  2. Time: The workshops begin at 9 AM and end at 5:00 PM. Participants are welcome to walk in and register at 8:20 AM.
  3. Food: Breakfast, lunch and coffee will be provided throughout the day.
  4. Program: A description of the workshops can be found here. The workshops are on the ground floor (1.X) and basement (0.X) in the building. Refer to the schedule for which workshop is in which room.

Workshop Specific Instructions:

  1. Introduction to Julia: Make sure you either have Julia installed locally or are able to log into JuliaHub. To install Julia and VS Code locally, follow the instructions here, ensuring you install Julia v1.10.4. If you have any trouble, you can arrive at the workshop a little early and the organizers can help you get up to speed before it begins in earnest. The doors will open at 8:30AM.
  2. Julia for HPC on CPUs and GPUs: This workshop assumes a basic knowledge of the Julia language (language structure such as functions and modules, control flow, and data types including arrays), and coding best practices (such as git, ssh, and limited usage of the Bash command line interface).
  3. Productive Parallel Programming with Dagger.jl: Please follow the instructions here.

ASML Tour: A tour of ASML is being organized on Tuesday afternoon! Click here for more details.

Bike rental: We recommend renting a bike in Eindhoven to get around! Click here for information on how to rent a bike.

Child Care Location: JuliaCon is proud to offer childcare for attendees this year! If you have asked for childcare while purchasing your ticket, check in at the registration desk for further instructions.

Thank you to our sponsors! JuliaCon is not possible without the support of our sponsors! Thank you to our Diamond sponsor JuliaHub, our platinum sponsor ASML, our Silver Sponsors Relational AI, Sioux Technologies, and Cognibotics, our Bronze sponsors Boeing, Pumas AI and Jeffrey Sarnoff, our Copper sponsors Betterhand Financial Technologies, and our Startup sponsors Evovest, G21 Computing, Genie, Great Lakes Consulting Services, IENAI Space, Jolin.io and Jahan.ai.

– JuliaCon 2024 Organizing Committee


Were the workshops recorded and will be made available online later?

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It was mentioned that JuliaCon will be streaming live on Youtube. Not sure that applies to the workshops though. However, it would be great to watch the recording of the workshops.

On slack was the info given, that the workshops were not streamed, because for such an interactive format, that would have been complicated to include the remote viewers, but they should have been recorded and be available on Youtube somewhen.

