JuliaCon 2024 Workshop Information

Sent as an email on June 30th

Dear JuliaCon 2024 workshop participant,

JuliaCon 2024 is less than two weeks away, we are looking forward to it and hope you are too! With this email we already provide some of the practical details to be aware of for your participation in the workshop day.

The Workshops day will take place in the Neuron building at Eindhoven University of Technology. It is located on the university campus at walking distance from Eindhoven Central train station and the city center. If you come by car, the university campus also has paid parking options.

Workshops location on 9th of July: Neuron building on Google Maps

For further information about traveling to Eindhoven and getting around within the city, see the travel page on the JuliaCon website. Here you can find a 15% discount code for hotels, info about bikes and more: https://juliacon.org/2024/travel/

Daycare will also be available on-site if you wish to bring your kid(s) along. Do let us know beforehand though.

The workshop schedule is now online on Pretalx. Scroll to the right in the schedule to see the assigned rooms & time-slots:


Workshops start at 9:00. Walk-in and check-in starts at 8:30. Coffee will be waiting for you. Lunch, drinks and snacks for the rest of the day are provided for as well with a variety of options for your dietary preferences and restrictions.

Do check out the workshops and the descriptions to see which workshops you are interested in attending. There is no pre-registration system, so you are free to choose the workshops you are interested in on the day itself. However, the rooms have a max capacity of 50 people each, (some overflow rooms are available). It can be the case that the room capacity for specific workshops can be completely full, so our request: do have a second choice in mind in case the room is full.

Do also check if the workshops that you are interested in attending require any preparations such as having the right software installed or choosing/bringing a project to work on. Specific to the HPC workshop there is a request* further described at the bottom of this email.

In the days leading up to the event we will likely send out one or two more mails as reminder and other last minute practical details to be aware of. We look forward to seeing you at the Workshops day to kick off this great week of activities!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at juliacon@julialang.org, on https://discourse.julialang.org/, or in the JuliaCon channel of Slack. Check Discourse and the website for up to date details on JuliaCon Global 2024 workshops.

Greetings from the JuliaCon organizing team,

- Erwin Hoogerwoord and Mark Kittisopikul

*There is a specific request for those that are interested in attending the HPC workshop:

Important information for workshop ticket holders that plan to attend the HPC workshop (Hands-on with Julia for HPC on GPUs and CPUs :: Juliacon 2024 :: pretalx ): You need to sign up for a NERSC training account as soon as possible to be able to access the HPC cluster during the workshop.

Please follow the instructions presented here:

GitHub - JuliaHPC/juliacon24-hpcworkshop: https://pretalx.com/juliacon2024/talk/NTQZJJ/

Check your email for the training code

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